
发布时间:2015-07-02     作者:管理员    阅读:3








  为增进中外资源型地区可持续发展领域研究的学术交流,为国内资源型地区可持续发展及政策研究领域的专家和学者,特别是年轻学者搭建研究和交流的平台,拟定于2012年3月30日-4月1在中国地质大学(北京)举办2012年“资源型地区可持续发展与政策国际会议暨国际区域科学学会第三次年会”。此次会议由中国地质大学(北京)、国际区域科学学会(The Regional Science Association InternationalRSAI)、中国矿业联合会主办;中国地质大学(北京)人文经管学院、中国矿业联合会矿业城市工作委员会承办;环太平洋区域科学学会Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization, PRSCO、中国国土资源经济研究院、矿业城市等单位协办。现开始征集论文。



  1. 主题:



  2. 主要议题:


  1. 资源环境承载力度量的理论和方法
  2. 可持续发展的理论前沿与研究方法;
  3. 资源优化配置与合理开发利用
  4. 资源开发利用、环境保护与区域经济发展
  5. 低碳排放与环境保护
  6. 资源产业发展与环境承载力
  7. 资源开发利用对区域社会、经济发展的影响
  8. 资源环境承载约束下的可持续发展战略
  9. 基于可持续发展的资源环境的评估与预警



  1. 区域经济学理论和方法
  2. 资源、环境与经济增长
  3. 产业结构调整与生产力布局
  4. 技术创新、区域创新与知识管理
  5. 资源型地区经济可持续发展模式
  6. 区域间合作与资源互补
  7. 资源型产业发展模式



  1. 资源合理开发利用与可持续发展的政策
  2. 矿产、能源、新能源等资源型产业发展政策
  3. 资源环境与区域经济可持续发展的法律法规



  1. 资源型城市经济可持续发展的理论与实践
  2. 资源型城市转型与接替产业培育
  3. 国际矿业城市的发展模式研究
  4. 矿业城市的理论与方法研究
  5. 矿业城市与资源环境的协同发展研究
  6. 矿业城市矿产资源可持续力比较评价






  会议报到时间:2012 年3 月30 日

  会议时间:2012 年3 月31 日至4 月1 日





    1. 论文语言为英语。



  4.论文格式要求Times New Roman,10号字,单倍行距,论文正文页面一般不超过6页,字数4000-6000 字为宜。(具体格式见附件)




  主办方将于2011年12月下旬邀请专家对论文进行评审,确定录用论文;对录用论文于2012年1月15日前发出论文录用和会议正式通知。高质量优秀论文通过审核程序后将在中文核心期刊《资源与产业》杂志或国际期刊《Regional Science Policy and Practice》或SSCI检索期刊《Papers in Regional Science》正式刊登。

  联系人: 闫晶晶博士,谷春燕副教授,李杰老师

  联系电话: 13811204763,13671378087,010-82322518

  联系邮件: reem_cugb@163.comguchy@cugb.edu.cn

  联系地址: 北京市海淀区学院路29号中国地质大学人文经管学院(请注明“资源型地区可持续发展与政策国际会议暨国际区域科学学会第三次年会”), 邮编:100083。




1. Each paper is to be preceded by a short abstract, which should not exceed 100 words. Up to five key words should also be furnished.

2. The form and content of the manuscript should be carefully checked to exclude the need for corrections at the proof stage. Manuscripts must be typed on one side of the paper only, with Times New Roman, 10-point font and single line spacing.

3. Full articles should not exceed 6,000 words (approximately 6 pages in print).

4. The first manuscript page should provide the title, names of all authors, affiliations, any footnotes to the title, address to which proofs are to be sent, and the fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author in order to accelerate communication.

5. Footnotes to the text should be avoided as much as is reasonably feasible.

6. The list of references should be in alphabetical order and include the names and initials of all authors (see examples below). Whenever possible, please update all references to papers accepted for publication, preprints or technical reports, giving the exact name of the journal, as well as the volume, first and last page numbers and year, if the article has already been published or accepted for publication. When styling the references, the following examples should be observed.

Journal article: Dutta B, Sen A, Vohra R (1995) Nash implementation through elementary mechanisms in economic environments. Economic Design 1: 173-204

Complete book: Sertel MR (1982) Workers and incentives (Contributions to economic analysis, No. 140). North-Holland, Amsterdam

Contribution in a book: Kalai E (1995) Solutions of the bargaining problem. In: Hurwicz L, Schmeidler D, Sonnenschein H (eds) Social goals and social organization. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeCitations in the text should be by author with the year of publication in parentheses, e.g., Sertel (1982). If a work with more than two authors is cited, only the first author's name plus 'et al.' need to be given, and if there is more than one reference by the same author or team of authors in the same year, then a, b, c should be added after the year both in the text and in the list of references.

7. Figures are to be numbered consecutively. Preferably, the figures should be professional quality computer graphics, as output by standard office software or plotting packages. If possible encapsulated Postscript graphics should be imported into the manuscript in the places where they are intended to appear. On acceptance, authors will be requested to supply these Postscript files separately. Figures should be captioned informatively, so that they can be understood without referring to the text.

8. Tables are to be numbered separately from the illustrations. Each table should have a short informative title.

9. Formulas should be numbered consecutively on the right-hand side of the page. Matrix and vector symbols should be denoted in boldface type, whereas scalars, elements of arrays, and other variables should be in italics. Abbreviations for mathematical operators (such as in, e, prob, and Max) should be typeset in roman. Ratios and fractions in the main text should be presented using a slash.