【学术动态】管理科学与工程系教师方伟及其合作者在《Sustainable Production and Consumption》发表学术论文

发布时间:2022-09-10     作者:[经济管理学院]李彦昌    阅读:711

近日,经济管理学院教师方伟以及合作者完成的论文“Exploring the provincial-level consumption drivers of the sustainability gap in China under the framework of carbon planetary boundary: The carbon exceedance footprint”发表在国际SSCI期刊《Sustainable Production and Consumption202233卷。该研究获得了国家自然科学基金重大项目课题矿产资源全产业链可持续管理体系优化71991481)等的支持。



Han, X. D., Fang, W., Li, H. J., An, H. Z. (2022). Exploring the provincial-level consumption drivers of the sustainability gap in China under the framework of carbon planetary boundary: The carbon exceedance footprint. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 33: 283-297. [IF 2021=8.921]
